Bring the Noise
In this text I will present how we developed different processes for collectively producing a series explorative soundscapes and mechanical artefacts using specific constraints influenced by theories from art and architecture. I will show how we worked with a design methodology that brought together an editor and the final expression of the artwork into one […]
Conversation China
Conversation China Serendipity on a plate Michael Johansson Collaborative Media Lab Kristianstad University Sweden ABSTRACT In this article I will present and discuss the design thinking, methods, processes and some examples of work, that demonstrates how I together with different co-creators set up a work practice, using digital 3d objects and images. That in different […]
Key terms The city of Abadyl
Abadyl: Is the title of a painting by Michael Johansson made in 1987 for the exhibition populärminne (Popular memory) it is the combination of the word abstrakt (abstract) stad (city) and akryl (acrylic paint), it now lends it´s name to the project presented here. Years later when internet searching became available I found out that […]
Fieldasy is a process for engaging multiple perspectives in the creation of a world, and the mapping of its virtual space. While the final outcome lies ahead, the process has already produced a series of artistic expressions that drives the overall project forward. Fieldasy refers to the methods of field working and invoking imagination by […]