“Walking is a mode of making the world as well as being in it” in “Wanderlust: A History of Walking,” Rebecca Solnit
The app WanderLost invite participants to a journey, a hike in an urban landscape changing according to the participants’ input. We meet four characters – The Stroller, The Vagabond, The Player, The Tourist. They are guides to the exploration of Kødtbyen in central Copenhagen. You can choose to follow their footprints in the area or create your own. Your actions becomes your choices.

During 2016 PRAMnetMedialab will develop the interactive app WanderLost in collaboration with the University of Kristianstad and the Digital Design program. The focus is on social participation in urban development and social sustainability – democracy as a cultural act. The app can be mapped on different geographic locations; travelling, reflections, consequences and stories about the future / town / democracy can be shared in social and cultural project.
WanderLost is part of the EU-funded project The Journey to Abadyl and will include various forms of challenges and choices that are implemented in the urban space, it will be designed as an interactive game and as a visual experience. WanderLost provides access and co-creation to narrative materials, The Wanderlust Kit, which includes footage and sound, messages and testimonies, parts of a story waiting to be discovered and created by the participants. A story where dreams and ideas of an ideal city is central and can be shared with others.
WanderLost team / PRAMnetMEDIAlab
Jørgen Callesen Artist, curator and artistic director of Warehouse9, Copenhagen
Michael Johansson Senior lecturer in digital media, researcher at the collaborative media lab, Kristianstad university Sweden
Thore Soneson Content producer, scriptwriter, media producer
Marika Kajo HCI Designer, creative storytelling, computer scientist http://pramnet.org/members/
The upcoming three years 2015-2017 Kristianstad University, HKR, will be one of twelve project partners in the EU-financed “The People’s Smart Sculpture”. “The overall aim is to explore and document new strategies for involving digital media and Information and Communication Technologies in the development of usercentered culture.”