Associated partners HKR

Over the project period of our subproject cube-x Journey to Abadyl we have had the following associated partners.

Kristianstad Center for Contemporary Art who is the mayor art venue in the region of kristianstad worked with us through the whole project period, supporting and promoting most of our activities in Kristianstad. We made three exhibitions there and held a series of workshops and they also was one of the main venues during our wanderlost workshop and exhibition in April 2017.

We worked with them in the a Virtual Reality experience “Genius Loci” of the unknown non-places of the city and hosting the workshop “Fictioning”. The Danish group CoreAct invited audience into their performance installation at the Kristianstad Center for Contemporary Art  “My Table, is your Table“ a coffee feast playing with the idea of the private vs. the public space, inviting people to participate but instead of traditional topic, the conversation is based around identity and nationalism. The also lended us their local network of artist and companies that we later invited and brought into the project on different levels.

Students and artists at Kristianstad Center for Contemporary Art setting up the non places exhibition

Students and artists at Kristianstad Center for Contemporary Art the non places exhibition

From the Genus Loci VR exhibition by Thore Soneson, part of the Cubex-jounrney to Abadyl and wanderlost public workshops and exhibition at the Kristianstad Center for Contemporary Art

Together with the Gauss institute we partnered with The Swedish institute in the project “Fostering Urban Democracy through Participatory Urban Art. The project objective was to contribute to deepening the democracy process in Republic of Macedonia through fostering innovative approaches that can empower participatory democracy with special focus on the urban art and urban planning. Through the support by The Swedish institute we brought our ideas and practice  of participation in the area of both art and design, we managed through our presentation raise awareness about other forms of urban and public methods and expressions for both conducting art projects with a focus on involvement and participation, were the processes itself is as important as the actual artwork, that also can be understood as a artwork in itself without leaving any effects in the urban area itself except the people involved conducting and participating in it.

The Dollhouse, Nils Petter Löfström och Erik Westman 2015

Participating partners Bitola 2015 Erik Westman, Michael Johansson, Igor Nedelkovski , Åsa Maria Bengtsson, Nils Petter Löfström

Workshop preparation Bitola 2015 Nils Petter Löfström, Erik Westman and Åsa Maria Bengtsson,

We also worked closely with the Ideal Spaces working group to help us to explore spaces of social and imaginative relevance. With them we developed spatial and mediated experiences using animation, 3d and Virtual reality. Both used in several of our workshops and exhibitions. We also had some of the invited artists and and design students involved in the idealspaces exhibitions at the Venice biennale of architecture in 2016 and in the ECC exhibition at palazzo Mora in Venice in 2018.

This working group works with  the idea of gestalt through artefact creation (including virtual objects and 3D-worlds) as one surface to explore, exploit, test and communicate our ideas and concepts, that are generative rather that produced, where we try  to grasp systematic insights through complex generated realities, in which an audience later is invited to interact.  In the Ideal spaces exhibition for the 2016 biennale in Venice we tried to explore this via a combination of presenting ideal city spaces, active participation of the visitors molding their own spaces, and symbolic representation. In the project the Ideal spaces group made important contributions regarding ideal spaces through history but also as an idea.

From the Venice Biennale 2016 from which we together with artist and designers from the Ideal spaces working group developed the idealspaces VR experience showned later in 2017 and 2018 in Copenhagen and Kristianstad

From a workshop in Malmö Sweden at the inter art centre with artist/designers Andi Seiss and Daniel Hepperle about Immersion in VR a piece a independent development of Da Vincis Milano and Jellicos Motopia in unity3d that later was showed in Copenhagen october 2017  and Kristianstad in may 2018. And presented as a full paper on the Artsit 2018 Conference in Braga Portugal.


PS2 activities

Cube-x Journey to Abadyl // wanderlost activities 2014 -2018PS2

12/14 Workshop 1
Presenting the peer reviewed paper wanderlost from the Cyberworlds 2014 conference in Santander Spain Michael Johansson, Thore Soneson, Martin Wetterstrand, Marika Kajo, Jörgen callesen
01/15 workshop 2 Developing and presenting core concepts of Cube – X as a paper based game MIchael Johansson, Thore Soneson, Marika Kajo, Martin Wetterstrand, Jörgen callesen
03/15 Workshop 3 script dev Symposium at WH9 in which we present our method of conducting art and research in our subproject Cube-x Journey to abadyl MIchael Johansson, Thore Soneson, Marika Kajo, Jörgen callesen, Christian van Shijndel
04/15 Extra workmeeting Conclusion and communication of workshop MIchael Johansson, Thore Soneson, Marika Kajo, Jörgen callesen
06/15 Workshop WH9 Situations Working with a methodology how to write the questions for the wanderlost app and how the user generated images can be compiled into a visual story. Development of concepts of personas for guides as ghosts, guides and helpers. Michael Johansson, Thore Soneson, Marika Kajo, Jörgen callesen, Marie Karlevas Fredriksson
07/15 WH9 – Artist integration & app development
App concept development positioning, navigation and experimentinmg with different timeframe for user session – how long is meningful to use the app – user scenarios. Extra coordination meeting in Bremen Michael Johansson, Thore Soneson, Jörgen Callesen, Marika Kajo, Irene Fahor, Martin Koplin, Christian Van Schijndel
08/15 Workshop WH9 sequences Design students working with proposals of spatial configurations for WH9 for developing ideas for stagedesign and artwork integration for Cube-x Journey to abadyl. Filming in KoedByen The guides 30 students + Michael johansson, Thore Soneson and Martin Wetterstrand, Christian van Schijdel, Jørgen Callesen, Halla Katla, Marika Kajo
09/15 Conference participation test designers students artist Ideal Spaces Symposium: “Managed Spaces” 24‐26 September 2015 Rittnerthof Karlsruhe, Germany. Non-places exhibition in Gdansk Michael johansson, Thore Soneson, Geza Ribberström Palyi, Ulrich Gehmann, Matthias Wöllfe, Andi Seiss and Daniel Herrpele
10/15 artist integration & script development Filming and typecasting av the guides in Koedbyen MIchael johansson, Marika Kajo, Jörgen Callesen and Marie Karlevas Fredriksson, Christian van Schijdel, Halla Katla
10/15 WH9 – Kulturnatten Video and art installation of the Wanderlost concept, Kulturnatten 9th October in Copenhagen 2015 Michael johansson, Marika Kajo, Jörgen Callesen and Marie Karlevas Fredriksson, Christian van Schijdel, Halla Katla
11/15 WH9 Artist integration & script development #d46e3b
Evaluation of the guide concept presented at Kulturnatten. Re- development of the guides from four to seven. MIchael johansson, Marika Kajo, Jörgen Callesen and Marie Karlevas Fredriksson, Christian Van Schijndel
12/15 WH9 Playtest sequences Work Meeting with Bombina bombast in Malmö at IAC, facebook and blog post spresentimg our guides. Character development evaluation at Warehouse9. MIchael Johansson, Thore Soneson, Marika Kajo, Jörgen Callesen, Christian Van Schijndel
01/16 WH9 workshop sequence exploration/analysis Planning and fieldwork activities Wanderlost Kristianstad and Copenhagen. App test Michael Johansson, Thore Soneson, Marika Kajo, Jörgen callesen
02/16 Workshop WH9 play & drama 1 Planning of locations and workshops for IPAF city walk with Rosana Cade. Jørgen Callesen, Christian van Schijndel, Emma Møller, Rosana Cade
03/16 Play test designers students artist Design students showing with proposals of mobile apps for developing ideas for Cube-x Journey to abadyl. MIchael Johansson, Thore Soneson, Jörgen Callesen, Christian van Shijndel
04/16 Artist integration & design & tech development Design students working with proposals for mobile applications for non-places for Journey to abadyl. Köedbyen research
De vilsnekomna
30 students + Michael johansson, Thore Soneson and Martin Wetterstrand
04/16 WH9 – Walking Holding Workshop and performance Workshops leading up to performance during IPAF 2016 with Rosana Cade and Laurie Brown (England/Scotland) Emma Møller, Laurie Brown, Rosana Cade, Jørgen Callesen, Christian van Schijndel, Thore Sonesson, Michael Johansson and 10 volunteers.
05/16 Playtest WH9 Adventure act 1-4 Design students working with proposals for mobile applications for non-places for Journey to abadyl. Exhibition Non- places Regionsmuseum Kristianstad Preparing student results for July workshop. Preparation of MineCraft concept for Kulturnatten 2016 in Copenhagen 30 students + Michael johansson, Thore Soneson and Martin Wetterstrand. Jørgen Callesen, Jakob Skov, Christian van Schijndel, Lise Jul Pedersen, Jacob Tekiela
06/16 WH9 Playtest Adventure act 1-4 The Portals, The App, The Guides. These formats are to be seen as placeholders, metaphors for the actual artworks, participatory walks and site-specific digital media we produced together with invited artists and interaction designers. Each of the three focuses on aspects of participation – via visual and tactile artworks, via physically experiencing the city and using dynamic digital media for smartphones. Audience development. This workshop was moved to a residency studio in Sweden. Michael johansson, Marika Kajo, Jörgen Callesen and Marie Karlevas Fredriksson
08/16 Workshop WH9 play drama analysis Planning the Minecraft workshop and event to be part of Kulturnatten 2016. Development of the guide concepts Jørgen Callesen, Christain van Schijndel, Jacob Tekeila, Jakob Skov, Michael Johansson, Thore Soneson
09/16 Conference participation play & drama 2 2nd Euro Mediterianean Conference – Exhibition Smart Participation for Smart Citizens. Panel presentation
Thore Soneson and Michael Johansson
09/16 WH9 Workshop and development – extra event Preparation of the Minecraft Your City workshop for Kulturnatten, October 2016 Jørgen Callesen, Jacob Tekiela, Jakob Skov, Christian van Schijndel, Lise Jul Pedersen.
10/16 Conference participation play & drama 2 Delevopment of the guides, Portals and app Michael Johansson, Thore Soneson, Marie Karvelas Fredriksson, Marika Kajo, Magnus Wallon, Martin Wetterstrand
10/16 Warehouse9 – Minecraft Your City Workshop – extra event Planning and execution of workshop for Kulturnaten 5-6 October 2016 Jørgen Callesen, Jacob Tekiela, Jakob Skov, Christian van Schijndel, Lise Jul Pedersen.
10/16 Warehouse9 – Minecraft Your City Cultural Event – Kulturnatten – extra event Kulturnatten 2016 – Minecraft your city. 14th October 2016 Jørgen Callesen, Jacob Tekiela, Jakob Skov, Christian van Schijndel, Lise Jul Pedersen. 250 visitors – children with parents.
11/16 WH9 artist integration & script development Testing VR and audience participation and see how and if this could fit into the portal, guide concept. Test filming 360 videos. Evaluation of Minecraft workshop. Processing of 3D models. Thore Soneson and Michael Johansson, Marie Karvelas Fredriksson, Marika Kajo, Magnus WallonJørgen Callesen, Jacob Tekeila
12/16 Workshop WH9 play drama analysis Workshop Video walks. Audience participation development in relation to cabaret and theater. Thore Soneson and Michael Johansson, Marie Karvelas Fredriksson, Marika Kajo, Martin Wetterstrand, Jørgen Callesen, Christian Van Schijndel
01/17 Playtest WH9 Play & Drama 4 Wanderlost App test, Starting to develop an AR vesrion of the wanders as a design student project. Development of workshop format for street art project with fashion and staging of audeinces in body politic contexts. Planning of activities we could do indoor and control – that would still have an impact in public spaces. We therefore invited Clare Farell and Myles Glyn from the Body Politic project in London Michael Johansson, Thore Soneson, Magnus Wallon, Marie Karlevas Fredriksson, Marika Kajo, Ola Ståhl, Martin Wetterstrand, Alexander Mello and Petra Lilja. Jørgen Callesen, Christian van Schijndel, Clare Farell
02/17 WH9 – Empathy workshop – extra event Lecture and workshop with Clare Farell (London) about audience participation, design and street art Clare Farell, Christian van Schijndel, Emma Møller, Trine Trash, Peter Vadim
02/17 Stagedesign Inspection of all locations. Rehearsels with the wanderers in Kristianstad Michael Johansson, Thore Soneson, Magnus Wallon, Marie Karlevas Fredriksson, Marika Kajo, Ola Ståhl, Martin Wetterstrand, Nicklas Nilsson, Alexander Mello and Petra Lilja
03/17 WH9 – Workshop preparation for Creative Forum – Tallin Design of OSC controlled video installation with mobile phones for workshop in Tallin Jørgen Callesen, Jacob Tekiela
03/17 Rehearsal Drawing up strategies for to try an open public event Wanderlost in central Kristianstad we, first of all, decided to use Swedish as the main language for the event, the invited international artists should be presented in both English and Swedish. We mapped out the inner city, framed a section of the town taking into consideration the walking distances and the possible places for displaying exhibitions, to organize guided tours and hosting the workshops and event we planned. An important factor was the accessibility and openness for participation, we wanted a mixture of established art venues and unexpected areas to create a curiosity and an “interference” with the familiar and regular. MIchael johansson, Thore Soneson Marika Kajo, Magnus Wallon, Fredrik Svensson, Alexander Mello, Petra Lija, Martin Wetterstarand, Ola Ståhl, Åsa Maria Kraft Nicklas Söderberg and Marie Karlevas Fredriksson, Alexander Sthålnacke + the seven guides/wanderers
04/17 WH9 – Creative Forum Tallin workshop Workshop and presentation for participants in Creative Forum in Tallin – Supported by Creative Europe. Jørgen Callesen, Martin Koplin
04/17 WH9 – artist residency – workshop/artist talk Artist talk by artist in residence Mischa Badasyan (Russia) about audience participation and site specific art. Mischa Badasyan was on a 30 days residency supported by the Danish Arts Council to prepare for the piece “Pristine” presented at the Wanderlost event in May. Jørgen Callesen, Christian van Schijndel, Emma Møller, Mischa Badasyan, 35 audeinces..
04/17 WH9 – workshop/art action – Car Deconstruction Workshop and art action with audience participation by Dina Roncevic (Kroatia). International Performance Art Festival 2017. Dina Roncevic, Emma Møller, Jørgen Callesen, Christian van Schijndel, 2 assistants, 10 young girls and 150 audiences.
04/17 The show journey to Abadyl Kristianstad The city of Kristianstad and their local business organizations were briefed on the event and decided to support us with accessible and temporarily empty stores. Both the communal housing company ABK and the central shopping mall Galleria Boulevard gave us access to their available stores and helped us to communicate the event through their channels, their newsletters, and their public electronic billboards. Together these stores and art venues created a groundwork for mapping out the Wanderlost events in the areas where people meet, stroll around, go for shopping and for taking a walk through the pedestrian areas of central Kristianstad. Anika Barkan DK
Bombina Bombast SE
Emma Bexell SE
Stefan Stanisic SE
Digital Design students from HKR
Joakim Frieberg SE
Ulrich Gehmann DE
Theo Hansén SE
Daniel Hepperle DE
Josef Isaksson SE
Michael Johansson SE
Alexander Kadin DE
Marika Kajo SE
Johanna Kerbel SE
Åsa- Maria Kraft SE
Kevin Kerney DE
Linda Kronman FI
Fabian Kühfuß DE
Helene Kvint DK
Michael Lewitzki SE
Petra Lilja SE
Ollie Ma GB
Raphael Perret SUI
Vidal Rousso SE
Martin Rieche DE
David Rix SE
Johan Salo SE
Andi Seiss DE
Thore Soneson SE
Ola Ståhl SE
Alexander Stålnacke SE
Fredrik Svensson SE
Magnus Wallon SE
Martin Wetterstrand SE
Michael Wirthig DE
Matthias Wöllfe DE
Andreas Zingerle AU
05/17 The show journey to Abadyl WH9 WANDERLOST – Digital Art Festival is part of the EU Project “Peoples Smart Sculpture” – Social Art in European Spaces is a creative research and innovation project about the cultural evolution of the European city of the future. It addresses the growing complexity of life in today’s city spaces and imminent challenges to the development of the urban environment. The People’s Smart Sculpture PS2 explores the possibilities of participation that will become a smart culture technique as a result of the ongoing digitalization of society. 12 partners – including universities, museums, galleries, theatres and research institutes – in 8 European countries will organize 11 connected open labs integrating new art, design thinking, science, smart technologies and user culture for the participatory re-design of urbanity Clare Farell & Miles Glyn (GB)
Søren Meisterbrau Brun (DK)
Zoe Ada Steward Brown (DK)
Martin Høyer Johansen (DK)
Michiel Tange Van Leeuwen (DK)
Peter Vadim (DK)
Trine Trash (DK)
Dawn Fastholm (DK)
Helen Kvint (DK)
Annika Barkan (DK)
Sepideh Khodarahmi (Sweden)
Stanza (England)
Emma Møller (England)
HongLin Qian (China)
Anika Barkan DK
Digital Design students from HKR
Ulrich Gehmann DE
Daniel Hepperle DE
Michael Johansson SE
Alexander Kadin DE
Marika Kajo SE
Linda Kronman FI
Fabian Kühfuß DE
Helene Kvint DK
Michael Lewitzki SE
Ollie Ma GB
Raphael Perret SUI
Vidal Rousso SE
Martin Rieche DE
Johan Salo SE
Andi Seiss DE
Thore Soneson SE
Alexander Stålnacke SE
Fredrik Svensson SE
Magnus Wallon SE
Martin Wetterstrand SE
Michael Wirthig DE
Matthias Wöllfe DE
Andreas Zingerle AU
Søren Meisterbrau Brun (DK)
Zoe Ada Steward Brown (DK)
Martin Høyer Johansen (DK)
Dawn Fastholm (DK)
05/17 Extension of project Workmeeting at WH9. Planning the final event Cube-x Future city Lab, based on the experiences from the two wanderlost events. Minecraft, raspberry pi, 3d printing, NFC, VR biking and computer vision development and workplan Michael Johansson, Jörgen Callesen, Martin Koplin
08/17 WH9 – Workshop Body Politic Pop Up for Copenhagen Pride – extra event Workshop as part of Copenhagen Pride targeted at LGBTQI audiences. Clare Farell, Christian van Schijndel, Emma Møller and Martin Høyer Johansen.
09/17 Symposium Bremen Bremen Conference presenting the two wanderlsot workshops from Kristianstad and Copenhagen. 30 + students Bombinma bombast Video walks: Designstudents work with interactive films of their everyday enviroments. Digital art video “Warehouse9 retrospect” by Jacob Tekiela presentation at the Urban Art event. Michael Johansson, Thore Soneson, Martin Wetterstrand, Jörgen Callesen,
09/17 WH9 Workshop – Future City Lab concept development Development of characters, backstories and the universe for the Future City Labs installation based on the participating artists and the technological setup. This was developed together with Hochschule Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences Jørgen Callesen, Annika B. Lewis, Peter Vadim, Trine Trash, Jochen Feitsch
10/17 Future city lab WH9 Cube-X Future city Lab. A performance installation about democracy and urban development, where the audiences are invited to create visions of the city’s future architecture and development in the MineCraft design game. The audiences are led through various digital artworks and performances by guides, where they will create and explore virtual and actual urban landscapes. Part of Kulturnatten 2017. Annika B. Lewis, Peter Vadim, Trine Trash, Malik Grossos, Jørgen Callesen, Jacob Tekiela, Michael Johansson, Andi Seiss, Daniel Hepperle, Ultich Gehmann, Karl Brolin, Jesper Boström, Alexander Mello, Carlo Størup

Christian Van Schijndel, Dawn Fastholm, Viola Ellehammer Dasseville, Kay Taylor, Anne Vraaby

11/17 Dessimination of results VR biking implementeing user feedback finalize installation for future use michael johansson, Thore Soneson, Andi Seiss, Daniel Herppele, Ulrich Gehmann, Alexander Mello
12/17 WH9 Workshop – Audience participation – an auto ethnographic perspective. Audience participation – an auto ethnographic perspective. Seminar/Workshop by Hans Kellett Hans Kellett, Jørgen Callesen, Chritian Van Schijndel, Dud Muurmand, Marc Kellaway
12/17 Dessimination of results , and study Researching and writing our part for the PS2 study Michael Johansson, Thore Soneson
01/18 Evaluation of artistic achievment and content quality Evaluation of the different formats of audience participation in relation to the presented works throughout the project. Together with associate partner Osborn & Møller. Mary Osborn (UK), Emma Møller, Chritian Van Schijndel, Jørgen Callesen
1/18 Dessimination of results , and study 30 + students work with designing for small specialized communities Michael Johansson, Thore Soneson
02/18 Dessimination of results , and study Writing book chapter Wanderlost for Stratigea, A. and D. Kavroudakis (Eds.), “Mediterranean Cities and Island Communities: Smart, Sustainable, Inclusive and Resilient”, Springer International Publishing. Michael Johansson Thore Soneson, Alexander Mello
03/18 Dessimination of results , and study Preparing for showing the VR bike installation at HKR togehter with other things and artwork from the cube-x future city lab exhibition Andi Seiss, Daniel Herrpele, Vidal Ruse, Michael Johansson, Karl Brolin, Alexabnder Mello
04/18 Dessimination of results , and study Researching and writing our part for the PS2 study Michael Johansson, Thore Soneson
04/18 Audience participation research & Body Politc workshop during IPAF Festival 2018 Clare Farrel present a new version of the Body Politic workshop as part of the IPAF Workshop programme. Hans Kellett(NZ) conducts audience research with auto ethnograpic and artistic methods. Hans Kellet, Jørgen Callesen, Clare Farrell, 250 audience.
05/18 Performance – Skin Amnesia at Gunter Grass Gallery Gdansk Jørgen Callesen and Carlo Størup performs the interactive piece “Skin Amnesia” for the closing of the exhibtion “Bestarium” curated by Marta Wróblewska. Jørgen Callesen, Carlo Størup, Marta Wróblewska
05/18 Dessimination of results , and study Dessimination of results VR biking. The notion of space and workshop on how to work with audience participation through interaction with the projects database. Workshop at Inter art centre in Malmö and exhibition and presentation at HKR. Researching and writing our part for the PS2 study Andi Seiss, Daniel Herrpele, Vidal Ruse, Michael Johansson, Karl Brolin, Nicklas Nilsson
06/18 Dessimination of results , and study Building demonstrators for both involved artists and others intreted in the project and for user and audience participation exploring the result and conceptual space of Journey to abadyl. Physical interfaces navigating databases. AR wanderers on the map of Abadyl, animation, lipsync for vitual charater development. For to show results for other artist/designers adn students. Partly unfinished due to delayed software mailfunctioning. Software update arrived 2 days before the project finished. Continue to write our part for the PS2 study Michael Johansson, Nicklas Nilsson, Mauro Ferraro, Thore Soneson, Anders Grahn
07/18 Dessimination of results , and study Finishing up, documenting, reporting and finlizing material for Berlin visit Michael Johansson, Anders Grahn, Mauro Ferraro
08/18 preparing with 3d printing, raspberry pie and micro beamers and to show end results with interactive projections in Berlin The wanderers and VR version of non – places. Taking the wanders to berlin in a interactive and beamer based artwork projecting both indie gallery space and outside in the city. article accepted ArtsIT regarding Worldmaking: designing for audience participation, immersion and interaction in virtual and real spaces. michael johansson, Thore Soneson, Anders Grahn, Olli Ma, Margot Edström, Åsa Maria Kraft, Fredrik Svensson